
We have a lot o options in the theme’s Layout page (The Market LAYOUT).
Here you have 6 tabs at the top of the page:
General Setup, Colors, Typography and Spacing, Shop, Social Setup, Footer.

From the General Setup tab you can change the Logo and the Favicon.

From the Colors tab you can change the Primary, Secondary Color. Change the menu colors with it’s background and hover states.

On the Typography and Spacing tab you have the options to change the fonts and sizes for various elements on your website.

From the Shop tab you can set the numbers of products that you want to show up per page in any category type page. Enable ratings on products and enable or disable various information on your shop and product pages.

From the Social Setup tab you can change the link for all your social icons. If you don’t want a certain icon on you website just empty that icons field and save the settings. That will hide that certain icon.

And on the last tab you have the Footer tab you can change the copyright text and enable or disable the partners module from the footer.