How to Setup the Plugin

In order to leave a review, users must be logged in!

Users get the “invite” email after an order is completed!


Woocommerce Mandatory Settings
Go to WooCommerce -> Settings -> Accounts and check the “Enable Customer Registration on the “My account” Page.


Woocommerce Mandatory Settings
Go to WooCommerce -> Coupons -> Create a new coupon.


Setup the Emails 
Go to Reviews -> E-mail Notifications

Setup the emails main template options.

After that setup each of the following email notifications:

  • Image Review Approved (with coupon) – this email gets send to the customer
  • Image Review Approved (without coupon) – this email gets send to the customer
  • Pending image review – this email gets send to the admin
  • Invite Customer to Review the Product – this email gets send to the customer