Plugin Instalation & Activation

Installing the plugin is very easy, you’ll see.

There are two ways to install a WordPress Plugin:

  1. 1. Directly upload the zipped plugin file via the WordPress admin panel.

  2. 2. By uploading the unzipped plugin folder containing all the plugin files directly on your server using an FTP client.

Option 1 – Using WordPress Installer (recommended)

Log in to your WP Admin Panel and open the Plugins panel

Click ‘Add new’ and follow the instructions

When asked to select a file, choose the file

After uploading the Plugin to your server, Click ‘Activate’

Option 2 – Installation via FTP Client Software

Extract the .ZIP archive from Codecanyon to a local folder on your PC. It should contain a subfolder named

Upload unzipped ‘adf‘ folder from Plugins folder to the ‘/wp-content/Plugins/’ directory using your favorite FTP client software

Make sure you have setup Transfer Mode – Binary, because files can be broken upon transfer with ASCII mode

Login to your WordPress admin dashboard, go to Plugins

Click ‘Activate’

Plugin Activation

After the plugin is installed you will need to activate the plugin.

In order to activate it you will need the IPC – Item Purchase Key
This is a safety measure to make sure you are one of our customers.

Just paste your IPC code in the Item Purchase Code field and your email and click the Activate now button
