

For Featured Products products slider (to be introduced on the homepage):

[EM_box_headline class=”em_featured”]FEATURED PRODUCTS[/EM_box_headline][featured_products per_page=”12″ columns=”4″]


For Latest Blog Posts slider (to be introduced on the homepage):

[EM_box_headline class=”em_featured”]Latest blog posts[/EM_box_headline][EM_blog_slideshow per_page=”3″]


For Google Maps:

[EM_google_maps address=”294 East 12th Street 3rd Floor New York, NY 10014″ zoom=”18″ width=”100%” hide_controls=”true” height=”349px” black_and_white=”true” marker=””][/EM_google_maps]


For Bootstrap rows:



For Bootstrap clear:



For Bootstrap columns:

[EM_column size=”X”][/EM_column], where X is a number from 1 to 12