Mandatory & How to update

How to update the Amazon eStore Affiliates – WordPress Plugin :

There are 2 ways to do this :

1. Simply delete and reinstall using WordPress Installer. Don’t worry, the settings & products will remain saved.

2. Using FTP client, simply overwrite the plugin’s files.


What you will need in order to use the Amazon eStore Affiliates – WordPress Plugin :

  • WordPress 3.9 +

  • WooCommerce WordPress Plugin – Version 2 +

  • Amazon account ( in order to get Secret/Access Keys and you must be signed up for the Product Advertising API.

  • Amazon affiliate account ( in order to get the money!

  • Cpanel Cron – In order to sync products (it doesn’t work with wordpress cron)

account  api

Amazon changed recently the AWS Console, so you must generate new keys.

Go to :

You will receive the following pop-up.


Click on Continue to Security Credentials. Do not create a IAM User, because it won’t work.

Now, simply delete one of the old keys, and create new one.