Configuration – Settings

On the Configuration-Settings page you can select the method by which the plugin will figure out what is the country of your visitor. You can also choose if you want the crawlers/robots to see your restrictions and what crawlers to allow to do that.


In order to use the Connect with Facebook button, you will have to register for a Facebook Application ID.


To do that you will have to go to: and click on the Register Now button. Continue the process and once you get the Application ID, input it in the plugin.


In order to use the Sign in with Google+ button, you will need a Google Client ID. You can obtain a “Client ID” if you create a project at After creating the project go to “APIs & auth -> Consent screen”, select your “Email address” and write any “PRODUCT NAME”. After that, go to “APIs & auth -> Credentials -> Create new Client ID” to generate the required IDs. In order for G+ Login to work, you must enable “Google+ API” from “APIs & auth -> APIs”. For extra protection you can set “JAVASCRIPT ORIGINS” to your domain.


IMPORTANT! In order to get the birthday, the user must have their profile info (day of birth) PUBLIC!