Set the plugin up!

Go to: and login with your Envato account.

WooEnvato - register new API

You should see something like this:

WooEnvato - register new API

Set an App name and select the 1st and the 4th option.

Go to the WooEnvato Settings tab and copy the confirmation URL.


WooEnvato - register new APP


Copy and paste it here:

WooEnvato - register new APPRead the Envato’s API Terms and Conditions, tick the box after and click on “Register APP”.

After this, you should receive the API key:

WooEnvato - register new APPCopy and paste the Key into a text file. Now click on “Woohoo! Got it.” and copy the APP OAuth Client ID too:



Now paste the ID and the Key into the WooEnvato Settings:

Registernewapp7Click on “Call for OAuth”.

You will have to allow the access next:


And everything should be fine now! You are ready to import products!
