Theme and Plugin Instalation

Go to Themes

WooEnvato theme installClick on “Add New” and then on “Upload theme“.

WooEnvato theme installClick on “Browse” to select the theme ZIP and then “Install Now“.

Attention: The installable ZIP may be included into the main archive downloaded from Envato, if you have selected to download the complete package.

WooEnvato - Theme activateClick on “Activate“.


After this, you should be redirected back to the Themes tab and see the following notice. You will have to click on “Begin installing plugins” further.

WooEnvato - Install required plugins

Select all of the plugins, select “Install” from the dropdown and then click on “Apply“. WordPress will start installing the required plugins. WooEnvato - Install required plugins3

You should see something like this:

WooEnvato - Install required plugins4

Now the theme and plugin(s) have been installed so you can start using it. If it’s the first time you have installed WooCommerce on this website, you will also have to run the WooCommerce Setup Wizard, which is a must:

WooEnvato - Install required plugins5

Now you will have to register an Envato API account and setup the API credentials.