Setting up the shop sidebar

First, you will have to go to the DecoElite menu ( Appearance -> DecoElite WordPress Theme)


Here you can create a new sidebar. On the upper right part of the screen, you have to click on the button “Add new sidebar”.

Make sure to click on “Save sidebar” after adding the new one, in order to make sure that the sidebar will be saved.

We called the Shop sidebar “Shop sidebar”, here.

Deco Elite Shop Sidebar

Now go to Sidebars -> Sidebars Per Sections and select the “Shop Sidebar” that we’ve previously created.

Deco Elite Shop Sidebar

You have the possibility to select its position. Just click on 1 of the 3 possibilities.

Deco Elite Shop Sidebar

You have the possibility to make it appear on Pages, like on the Shop page.

Deco Elite Shop Sidebar

Or on Post Types. Here we made it appear on “Products” Post Type Archive and Each Individual Product.

Deco Elite Shop Sidebar

Or Taxonomy Archives: Product Categories (product_cat) and Product Tag (product_tag)

Deco Elite Shop Sidebar

Again, make sure to click on “Save sidebar settings“, in order to make sure that the settings will be saved.


After doing this, you may go to the Widgets area ( Appearance -> Widgets ) and start adding widgets into the sidebar.

Deco Elite Shop Sidebar

Just drag and drop them into the Shop sidebar that we’ve just created.

That’s all! You have now learned how to set up the Shop sidebar.